Radar 36/2020: Microsoft spoléhá na Blender, Jenkins promuje a záplata Linuxu zrychlí Raspberry Pi 4
Vítejte u pravidelného týdenního přehledu objevů našeho internetového radaru. Tento týden o partnerství Microsoftu s Blender Foundation, promoci automatizačního serveru Jenkins, a potenciálně až dvojnásobném zrychlení datových přenosu na Raspberry Pi 4. Přehled událostí doplňuje výběr čerstvých návodů a pozoruhodných projektů.
Událo se
Microsoft joins the Blender Development Fund
To express their support, Microsoft is joining the Blender Foundation’s Development Fund as a Corporate Gold member per July 1st, 2020.
CD Foundation Announces Jenkins Graduation
The Continuous Delivery Foundation (CDF), the vendor-neutral home for many of the fastest-growing projects for continuous delivery, today announced that Jenkins is the first project to graduate. To move from the maturity level of incubation to graduation, a project needs to demonstrate growing adoption, an open governance process, feature maturity, and a strong commitment to community, sustainability, and inclusivity. Jenkins has met all of these criteria.
Linux Patch Proposed To Double Raspberry Pi 4 Transfer Speed To eMMC/SD Storage
Manjaro Linux developer Tobias Schramm brought to light that only single data rate mode is currently being used for micro SD cards and eMMC storage with Raspberry Pi 4 Model B SBCs. But with a two line kernel patch, the double data rate mode can be enabled.
Čerstvé návody
Improving the Security of Your Raspberry Pi
In this guide, we will be showing you how to improve the security of your Raspberry Pi.
Changing the Keyboard Layout for your Raspberry Pi
When you first set up your Raspberry Pi, it will default to the UK (GB) keyboard layout.
In this guide, we will be walking you through the process of changing the keyboard layout setting for your Raspberry Pi.
How to Disable your Raspberry Pi’s Wi-Fi
This guide will teach you the various methods you can use to disable your Raspberry Pi’s Wi-Fi connection.
Pozoruhodné projekty
Sonos / Spotify Vinyl Emulator
There’s nothing quite like the experience of handling an old-fashioned 12-inch vinyl album, but most people don’t own a turntable to play one on. Vinyl prices have also rocketed in recent years, making collecting them an expensive hobby.
The Hurricanes Are Coming
It’s hurricane season in the northern hemisphere right now, and plenty of news and weather organizations remain dedicated to alerting people if a storm is about to impact their area. There’s no shortage of ways to receive this information, either. We all have our favorite weather app or forecasting site, and there are emergency alerts to cell phones, TV, and radio stations as well. If none of that suits you, though, you can also roll out your own weather alert readerboard.
Here is my HQ camera stop-motion animation setup and the making of a simple phone holder I recorded using it.